New online shop will challenge the industry for technical insulation
May 1, 2022
Beijer Ref acquires Industrifiber from July 1, 2023
July 1, 20231. august 2022
After a successful launch in Sweden, the trading group Beijer Ref is now introducing a new online store for technical insulation, Insulize, for Danish insulators. The introduction is occuring after Beijer Ref has taken over the assets of HVACgrossisten.dk.
Over the past ten years, HVACgrossisten.dk has built up a business and online store within technical insulation, which has helped to ensure greater flexibility in everyday life for insulators and plumbers.
Now HVACgrossisten.dk and Beijer Ref have entered into an agreement in which Beijer Ref will take over the assets in the company and carry on activities within technical insulation in the new 100% online wholesale company Insulize.
"I wish to withdraw from trading in technical insulation and focus my further work on advice and training in passive fire protection. It has been important for me to find the right buyer.
That's why I'm really happy about the agreement with Beijer Ref and Insulize. This means that the digitalisation of trade in technical insulation continues and is being developed, so that insulators and plumbers in the future have the best opportunities to buy their goods online," says Anders Brejnholt, co-owner and founder of HVACgrossisten.dk.
The agreement includes HVACgrossisten.dk's assets within technical insulation, including agencies on several brands such as Pipelane from Sager, Austroflex and Knauf.
Expansion of online trade for technical insulation
At Beijer Ref, an important part of the strategy is to increase the digital presence, and therefore the activities fit well with the plans to introduce the new online wholesaler in technical insulation, Insulize.
"HVACgrossisten.dk has been part of the development for online trade in technical insulation in Denmark, and their activities fit naturally into our business goals. In our dialogue, it became clear that we have here a good opportunity to strengthen our position in the market for technical insulation with some good agencies. We are convinced that Insulize will benefit the insulators with competitive prices and high flexibility," says Thomas Dalsgaard, Division Manager for Technical Insulation at Beijer Ref and Business Manager for Insulize.

Good experiences from Sweden
In May, Beijer Ref launched Insulize in Sweden as the first online shop for technical insulation. With a 100% focus on technical insulation, Insulize aims to provide insulators with a platform with the same digital trade opportunities that exist for some larger professional groups, such as electricians and plumbers, where products and knowledge are available 24 hours a day, all year round.
"We are seeing a generational change within insulators and plumbers, who quite naturally have a more confident relationship with digital tools. At insulize.dk, we will offer insulators a modern, digital platform with a number of strong product ranges for technical insulation," says Rasmus Møller Keel, Sales and Product Manager at Insulize.
Cooperation on transfer
HVACgrossisten.dk and Insulize will, in the coming period, work together to hand over the activities without the customers being affected by the process, and Insulize will then ensure continued strong online trade for technical insulation.
"We have a common interest in the best possible handover, and therefore there will be a smooth transition where we jointly serve the customers, without them noticing any difference in everyday life," says Rasmus Møller Keel.
The agreement enters into force on 1 September 2022.
Insulize – part of Beijer Ref
Insulize is a 100% online wholesaler and consultant in technical insulation. With a strong product range and extensive technical know-how, Insulize ensures solid solutions for the construction industry.
24 hours a day - all year round. Technical insulation – easy and simple.
Beijer Ref is a technology-oriented trading group that, through value-creating products, offers its customers competitive solutions within cooling and climate control. Beijer Ref is one of the largest refrigeration wholesalers in the world and is represented in 41 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania.
In Denmark, Beijer Ref operates the wholesale companies H. Jessen Jürgensen, Armadan, BKF-Clima and Insulize.
About HVACgrosisten.dk
HVACgrossisten.dk is an insulation wholesaler on the Danish market. The company's owners have over 30 years of experience in technical insulation, and the company has brought this ballast into the electronic world.
The company has over 1,200 m² of warehousing with technical insulation products, and based on its extensive experience and network worldwide, the company today has access to over 100,000 different products.
Anders Brejnholt
Anders Brejnholt, Director of HVACgrossisten.dk
Division Manager technical insulation including Insulize - Beijer Ref Denmark